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Much like books, YouTube tells the story
of many different characters
and offers a genre for everyone.

Some members of BookTube participate in a panel at Vidcon 2015, that allowed them to speak with fans of various YouTube communities. 

With 300 hours of video being uploaded every minute, Youtube’s billion users have enough content available to keep them occupied for a lifetime. It could have the potential to be a bit overwhelming, but instead the creators of these videos have taken it as an opportunity to specialize in making videos they’re passionate about. Booktube is just one of the many communities that thrives on Youtube. Click around a bit, and you may find yourself in the land of makeup tutorials and fashion hauls with the Michelle Phan,  Zoella and other beauty vloggers. A few clicks in another direction could take you straight to Youtube’s gaming community with PewDiePie or Markiplier. They don’t all have fun names like Booktube (though many do; check out John and Hank Green’s Nerdfightaria), but they do all tend to foster the sort of community ties unseen before in traditional media.

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